
My research interests in motor cognition center around a perceptual-cognitive view on learning and coaching of motor actions by way of execution, imagery and observation.

Lines of research:

Imagery and learning in children and adolescents
(ongoing; e.g., Frank et al., 2021)

Action planning, imagery and learning
(ongoing; e.g., Frank et al., 2016)

Learning and coaching of motor actions in virtual reality
(e.g., Frank, 2020; Hülsmann, Frank, Senna et al., 2019)

Action representation and learning in teams
(e.g., Frank, Linstromberg et al., 2018)

Action representation, observation and learning
(e.g., Frank, Kim et al., 2018; Kim et al., 2017)

Action representation, imagery and learning
(e.g., Frank et al., 2014)

Collaborative research:

Action representation, analogies and learning
(e.g., Meier, Frank et al., 2020)

Action representation, attentional focus and learning
(e.g., Land, Frank et al., 2014)

Funded research projects:

Learning and coaching of motor actions in virtual reality
(incl. Postdoc project as part of ICSPACE/ 1.625.000 €; 2014-2019)

Action planning, imagery and learning
(incl. BNF project, 12.000 €; 2016-2017)

Action representation, imagery and learning
(incl. PhD project, 55.000 €; 2010-2014)

For details, see publications.

For an overview of projects, methods, sports, settings etc., see categories on my blog on the first page.

Supervision and Collaboration


ongoing Geisen, German Sport University Cologne
(Collaboration/  Klatt, since 2021)
ongoing Khan, University of Roehampton, UK
(Collaboration/ Bruton, since 2021)
ongoing Wang, Bielefeld University
(Co-Supervision, since 2020)
ongoing Linnhoff, Hamburg University
(Collaboration, since 2019)
ongoing Chye, University of Roehampton, UK
(Collaboration/ Bruton, since 2019)

Meier, Bielefeld University
(Collaboration, 2016-2020)
d’Aquino, Bielefeld University
(Co-Supervision, 2015-2018)
Kim, Bielefeld University
(Co-Supervision, 2015-2019)